Tuesday, September 6, 2011


No I'm not talking about one of these...Thankfully.

This past weekend marked my 29th birthday. In my 29 years I've had a wide range of birthdays from "freakin' sweet" to "shitty." This one totally broke the scale in a way that I couldn't have seen coming.

Let's recap...

Naaaaaaa Segonyaaaaa!

It started with one of the best sunrises I've ever seen. I have this pseudo poetic tradition (5 years now?) of watching the sunrise on my birthday. Maybe it's lame. Maybe it's cliche. I love doing it. After this my girlfriend comes over and proceeds to make my birthday the absolute best birthday ever. Enchiladas? Yes. Homemade tortilla chips? I'll say that again... Homemade Tortilla Chips. Amazing food aside... the company (best friend, et all), the beer, the spa, the sushi, the bars. Everything just sort of fell into place perfectly. I had a great time.

She and I spent the next two days in what is now a blur of kisses and "I love you" s. If you'd asked me a year ago if I expected my life to be like this right now I would have called you crazy.

I think 29 is going to be a good year :)

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